Saturday, 21 March 2015

Eastercon: Easter isn't Easter without one?

It's that time again, the annual SF/Fantasy convention that is the largest of its type in the UK, and that, like a Worldcon, moves to a different location each year.

Haven't tried it yet?
 If you like speculative fiction then you should should at least spend a day there and see of it suits. Panels, readings, workshops, book stalls [that often include second hand bargains and newer books at special rates] craft stalls, food, drink and conversation, and the chance to meet with people you can't get together with every day. What's not to like?

My aim is to have fun, but also to pay back a little. Or pay forward, who knows. I owe a lot to other people in the setting. So:

I'll spend some time if I can on the BSFA table where people can renew memberships or check out what's on offer, like the excellent magazines we produce. Including the booklet with all the short story finalists printed prior to the BSFA Awards.

I'll drop in to the Milford meeting on the Monday morning to say hello, and a special thanks to the people there who encouraged me over Ashamet.

I'll spend a chunk of Sunday critting at the Writers' Workshop, which is really a Tea Party event, but I joined them for it at Worldcon, enjoyed it and am repeating the experience with them again.

And I'll look for panels to listen in on, or readings, and catch up with friends. And I'll leave some fliers on the table to warn folk that Ashamet will be out May 30th. In case they're interested.

If you're there, and spot me, come and say Hi?

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