Friday, 27 December 2013

Merry and Happy, and I really hope all those reading this have no flood problems!

Christmas is almost over, and very enjoyable it was too - and that's all I'll say about that cos I promised NOT to talk about stuff like that here?

Somewhere in there I still managed to do some editing, though, so I'm feeling both very full and very virtuous at the same time. Who knew editing was good for the conscience.

I was spurred on more than usual by the news that January will see the arrival onscene of an editor for my own novel. I've been 'critted', as some of you well know, but this will be the first time by a professional, since I can't count myself with regard to my own work.

Even better, I'm told the editor I will have is very experienced. Hmm, or is it? That couldn't possibly be cos they think I need all the help they can get, could it?

Still, it's exciting and scary at the same time, but yes, I'm keen to get going and even looking forward to the experience of being on the other side of the table.

I'l let you know how it feels sometime soon.

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